My son was feeling a little feverish so I gave him a ice bath and some fever medicine and he is doing much better this morning. I think I am getting a hang of this not worrying too much business. Usually as his temperature goes up, I get all worried and rush for the doctor. But now I a little more calm and dealing with it like any other mother. It's not like kids comes with a manuals, it's a learning process and I have a lot more to learn.
I don't believe in coincidences....really I don't. I believe that anything that happens, happens for a reason be it good or bad. I think now that's it official I can talk about it. ACS(Affiliated Computer Services) have acquired e-Services the company I work for. Now when we first heard everyone was like 'I'm gonna lose my job' and all the worrying that goes on when things like this happens. But that was cleared up by my amazing boss. Everything will apparently remain the same except for ownership of course. Anyways, I will just have to continue to do the work I have been doing to the best of my ability. However, when you look at the upside this might just be a good thing. I really don't have much to say, I am just happy that Mr. Casserly will be remaining with us and not leave us in the hands of only God knows who.
Ok, enough of that. The Playoffs starts April 18 and I can hardly wait. Cleveland is at the top of the league right now, which I don't have a problem with. I am just glad it's not Boston....ah shut up....I don't like them and I will knock them all I want....freedom of speech baby. The Lakers and Cavs for the Finals I am sticking with my prediction until one of them lose out in the Playoffs and then I will choose another team to cheer for....and it sure as hell won't be the Boston Celtics.
BTW, I feel great. I though you ought know that I am happy. I refuse to left my actions be dictated by others. I also have been going to the gym lately and I like the results. I also have been trying to eat right, trying being the objective word here, you know we have to eat unhealthy once in a while, right. Hey, if I don't lose weight I will live longer, unless I get hit by a car or a bullet. Cause the way Jamaica is going these days anything is possible. You know there are times when the people around gets on your last nerves and you just have to take a step back. Well, I am taking a step back and see if I can get a better look at things. We are all humans and we are not perfect. There will always be people out there that believes they are perfect and are never wrong. But I won't let that bother me. I don't worry over things like that. As long as I have life and my son has life and he is happy then I am happy.
That's it. That's all that was on mind mind today in brief details. Let's see what else am I thinking about....nothing, that's all folks.
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