Life has been good and bad so far, but I think I am getting a hang of it. You know dealing with the changes and all, and bracing myself for whatever comes my way. But sometimes that one unexpected change just hit and you are left wondering which road to take to make the best of a chaotic or maybe just a simple complicated situation. I have been at that crossroad numerous of times. Sometimes I take the wrong road and sometimes I take the right. You know what's strange, I have come to find the hard roads more likable than the easy ones. Why....I don't know maybe it's the challenge, but all I know is that I tend to learn more not just about life and life's encounters....I learn more about myself. It seems like I am always on a quest to discover myself in a way that only I can. I have made mistakes after mistakes but I have structured myself to learn from my mistakes. I try not to make the same mistake twice....once is an accident but twice is on purpose....that's how I view life. But you are probable thinking why make so many mistakes....but he who never made a mistake, never make a discovery. I have a motto for every aspect of life, whether it be spiritual or sentimental. One of my favorite is "I am who I am your approval isn't needed". You may think that's is a hash thing to say but what you must understand is if you live your life thinking about what others will to say, you will never really live your life. I am not one to let my life be dictated by what people think. I have done it before, you know let what I do be a reflection of what people think or say. But what I realized is that I became someone else and not who I really am. Why should I be someone else to please people when sometimes the person we are trying to please don't care. I have learn to let people accept me for who I am, if they can't then it's their lost. I think that if someone can't love me the way I am then they never really loved me. We tend to want to please the people who don't care when the one person we should be pleasing is ourselves. I will just be who I am and say what I feel cause those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. I don't believe in coincidences, I believe everything happens for a reason be it good or bad. I live my life one day at time....but also with a plan for the future. We all view life differently and have a different approach towards changes, but whatever actions we take will be that of our own.
Once again
14 years ago
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