Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.
What is Jamaica coming to these days. I know the that prophecy will have to be filled and that what was said of them in olden days must come to pass. But have mercy why are men so cruel. I mean how can one take the life of a child....an innocent child, my Lord. Living in Jamaica feels like living in the Middle East. It's not safe to even walk broad day light. Jamaica that was suppose to be the land of wood and water, have become the land of crime and violence. It has taken over not only our streets but our homes as well. Everytime you turn on the news you hear that another have been gunned down. Terror have become a normal reaction for us. We hear of wars in Iraq, Israel, etc and say we are happy we don't live there. But if we should take a step back and look at our beloved Jamaica we will see that we are no different from what is taking place in those countries. The crime has gotten so out of control that I think we are at a point of no return. You hear people say the government this and the government that. It is not the government's fault that people are having so many kids and can't provide for them. I always ask why have 6 children when you can only provide for 2. You see a woman with 7 kids with 6 different fathers. Sure sometimes you have a child and the coward bounce leaving you on your own. Then you find another man and you have another child for him and then he too leaves you. You know they say once is a mistake, but twice is a spite. Yeah we are all humans and nobody wants to be alone, but hell it's like you've never heard of birth control. And then you blame the government....the government weren't you were getting your groove on.
Then you have kids who go to school and waste time. Theirs parents spend their last dollar so to speak and send them to school, only to have them drop out. Young girls can't wait to grow up and young boys can't wait to call the shots. Ours kids are not kids anymore. They are being forced to have a job before they are old enough to go to high school. They are being exploited by the men they trust to protect them. They are being lied to and undermined. We are their protectors as was our parents of us. I was allowed to be a child, play games, have fun and do things that a child should be doing. Why wouldn't I want my son to have the joy that I did. Why wouldn't I protect him the way my parents protected me. Those are the questions we need to ask ourselves. We need to stop looking for a scape goat and start taking responsibilities for our actions. Sure the government is manipulative and deceiving. Sure they have something to do with what is happening in our country today and the world. Sure they have the power and authority to as they say screw us over. But we have the power to shape our own destiny. We have the power to decide our faith. We have the power to be honest and good. We all have a mind of our own and if we let our lives be a mirror image of our government, then who are we to judge. No one perfect only God alone is perfect. But we are like God, we were made in his image and likeness and that my friend means there is good in everyone of us. I am a strong minded young lady who believes that I can do anything I put my mind to. Some of us think that we are better than others and that we are perfect and can do no wrong. We feel that it is okay to find fault with others, but they are not allowed to find fault with us. We feel that if a person correct us or point out to us that we are wrong in any way, we feel that that person is trying to hold us down or fight against us. But the reason we feel that way is because deep down in our subconsciousness we are the one who is the fighter. True we are what we think of others. The 3 questions we need to ask ourselves are Who Am I?, Why Am I Here? and Where Am I Going? I think that once we can truly answer these questions honestly we will be free to trust God and live.
You know what I find very funny at times. Is that people who always like to speak their minds never like it when others do the same. I have a mind of my own and if I feel like speaking it there is nothing you can do about it. But I also like to know what's on the next person mind as well. So I don't have a problem when someone speak theirs. Mahatma Gandhi(Political and Spiritual Leader in India 1869-1948) had once stated that "You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy my body, but you will never imprison my mind". I believe him and a mind is a powerful thing cause it can dictate the heart. So if your mind tells you that I am trying to fight against you when I speak my mind then that's what you hold in your heart. Because you are like that then you feel in your mind that everyone else is like you. And again I say do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Once again
14 years ago
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