Slavery is nothing new and will never be old. It can be dated as far back to 1760 BC to the earliest records such as the Code of Hammurabi which refers to slavery as an establish institution. Even today we are living in mental slavery. Whenever I am down and feel discourage I look back to the past. I look back on slavery for inspiration and a way to move forward. I look to God for wisdom and understanding. I often wonder why did we have to suffer the way we did. Why was my race considered the worst? I always ask those question and history always provide the answer. Sometimes the answer is not the one I am looking for but with the grace of God I always seems to get the understanding I seek. You see to me nothing happens by chance, but for a reason. Would we be as strong a race that we are if we were not bound in bondage? Maybe we would, maybe we wouldn't we'll never know. What I do know is that I am proud of who I am. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, Marcus Mosiah Garvey had a vision and Nelson Mandela had hope. For years and centuries we have been fighting the same fight for equal rights and justice. On January 20, 2009 the United States Of America one of the world's most powerful Nations swore in their first Black President. If I have never believed in prophecy I do now. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream when all he could do was dream that this day would come. That was 46 years ago and my mother was only 1 years old. Now I am 25 years old and I can stand boldly and say that I have witness the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. come through. I look back on the past with sadness in my heart to know that my forefathers have to endure such cruelty and abominable treatment. But I always hold my head high cause I know that they have fought and gave their lives so that I can be free. They have given me hope to be a strong black woman. So that I have a voice to stand up for what I believe in. When I look back on history I am proud because it's a guide to navigate the perilous times. History is who I am and why I am the way I am.
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