It's been so long since my last blog. Anyways, so much as happened since. I have lost 15 pounds, my hair is now natural and Antoine has gotten so big. Earthquake in Haiti, man so close to home...Oh and Obama has been vey and PM Bruce Golding is getting on every Jamaicans nerves. There is so much to say and you know me there is always something on my mind.
Just think what America can do to us if our Prime Minister don't hand over Dudus...Boy, Bruce is stuck betwwen a rock and a hard place...I feel your pain but I can't help you.

As bad as America may be ya'll know I will always love my basketball. It's the NBA Playoffs and things are looking pretty decent so far. Miami down 3-0 to Boston..boooooo...I am not a Celtics fan so come Miami bring on some Heat. Cleveland look to have their series lock but I wouldn't count off the Bulls just yet. Denver a bit disappointing but it's not over. All season long San Antonio seems so out of sync but if I were Dallas I would be a bit worried (just a bit..for now that is). Brandon Roy just fresh out of surgery and back on the court like "what injury". The Thunders those young guys are bringing it to the defending Champs...can they take the series? I don't think so but then again this is the NBA where amazing happens and anything is possible. Oh and Orlando look to sweep the new comers Bobcats and Atlanta have their eyes set on the second round. So much to say with so little time.