What a day everyone in red and white....wow! The day of love they call it. Well to some this is just any other day. Here I am at work like any other work day, ready to take on the stress and excitement that comes with it. But unlike everyone one else I am not daydreaming about tonight. Most people are dreaming about the romantic dinner, party, a night on the town or maybe just a quite night at home with their significant other. Me on the other hand is thinking about son, budget and other unimportant things not related to this day.
Truth of the matter is that I have no one to share a romantic dinner, or party with. Sad...you say. Well maybe it is sad but on the bright side I love being single. No one to nag me about where I'm going, where I've been, and so on. Oh what the heck....the truth is as much as I like being alone sometimes it gets a little boring. I love the whole romantic gestures and all that comes with it and sometimes I miss all that and I do get lonely. But what a girls to do but suck it up and go, being without a man is not the end of the world. So I am using this time alone to work on me cause you can't love someone unless you love yourself...ain't that right.
I don't pray and ask God for a man. I pray for peace, health and happiness. And when God see it fix to give me a man he will give me a good one. I rather be alone than be unhappy. I love to laugh and if a man can't make me happy then what's the use. What is love without joy? Maybe today Cupid will let his arrow works magic for me, maybe he won't, but at the end of the day I am still me.
What is love? To me love is when you can forgive someone when they did you wrong and not hold a grudge. Love brings peace and happiness.
Love is pure, Love is sure, Love is a sickness no doctor can cure.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet but not as you.
Once again
14 years ago