Just six months ago the Celtics taught the Lakers a lesson by coming back from a 20 points deficit to win Game 4 of the 2008 NBA Finals. All talks about Kobe being like Mike came to a halt, people were beginning to doubt his ability. I mean how can you doubt the skill of 10 times All-Star, All-star MVP, 3 times NBA Champion, League's MVP, All-NBA First Team and All Defensive First Team, I mean he got skills on top skills. But then again people have a mine of the own and they choose who they want to support and who they don't want to support. Anyways, the Christmas rivalry was always a big hit and the Lakers and Celtics are no strangers to this big day's event. As a matter of fact the match was well over anticipated after the Celtics won the Championship. I held my breath throughout the game even though the Lakers had a lead throughout the game it was not a big enough a lead to keep the Celtics out of it. Remember they had let them back in the game in the Finals but this time they stood their course and grind it out. The Celtics on the other hand....well from my stand point....did not bring their A game, maybe they though it would be as easy as it was in the Finals. Well if that was the case they thought wrong cause Kobe and his troops came to play. Kobe got it going from the get go the jumpers were right on target. Everyone stepped up and play, defensively they could have done a better job, but they got the job done in the end. They put an end the fourth longest winning streak in the NBA.
The Hornets were not so lucky as they were railroad by Dwight Howard and the Magic 68-88. Maybe they were blind sighted by that all those Superman t-shirt as the Magic theme for the game was Superman in honor of D12(Dwight Howard) or maybe CP3(Chris Paul) was stage fright playing on Christmas because he was held to just 12 points and 4 assist and marked he did not get a steal ending his 108 consecutive games with a steal. Lebron James and the Cavs rallied back to take the win over the Wizards 93-89. San Antonio Spurs are right back in the mix of things after getting off to a slow start they are now second best in the West. They took on the Suns and with 4 seconds to go in the 4th quarter Roger Mason hit a 3 pointer off a Tony Parker assist to give the Spur a 1 point victory over the Suns. Dallas on the shoulders of Dirk Nowitzki and a strong backcourt led the Mavs 102-94 win over the Portland Trailblazers after Josh Howard was ejected from the games with a Flagrant foul with a little under 5 minutes in the 3rd quarter.
Christmas is the time of year were we celebrate peace on earth and goodwill to men. But this Christmas seems weak and boring. The spirit is not in the air so to speak. Normally this time of year there would be singing of carols and decoration, but this year you have to look and listen hard enough to feel or see the spirit of joyful giving and love. The economy has taken it's toll on everyone. There is not enough money to shop and enjoy Christmas the way we use to. For me, I use to love this time of the year, but now it's just another day like any other day. The one thing I will do that I do every Christmas is to reflect on the year that has gone by, my accomplishments and disappointments. I will see what I did wrong and how I can correct them in the year to come. I will set my usual New Year's resolution and steps I need to follow to accomplish my goals and ways not to make the same mistakes that I did in the old year. Usually not all goals that are set will be fulfilled and there will be achievements and disappointments just the same. But to take the new year head on is one thing and being prepare is another thing. As we all know danger comes from the direction we least expect it but when you are prepare for the unexpected, it's easier to overcome obstacles or live them down, cause there is nothing in life that you cannot live down, rise above or overcome. Sometimes we just have to live in the moment while we think about the future. Cause the future is not yet hear and the present is, so live for the moment but always, always keep the future in mind. I know sometimes we think that life is too hard, but when you think about it, it's as hard as we make it to be. Life is LIVE IN FULFILL ENJOYMENT. Sometimes you think there is no hope and that with the failing economy and global warming we as the poor can't make it. But as Mohammed Ali once said "Imagination is the highest kite one can fly, and to be a great champion you must believe you are the best, if you are not, pretend you are". We are all pretenders until it becomes a reality. So even though the spirit of Christmas is a distant feeling this year lets pretend that it is like every other Christmas happy, joyous and peaceful.
Just the night before close friend Lebron James took the spotlight by becoming the Cleveland Cavaliers Franchise record holder for steal recording 735. Last night Carmelo Anthony started the game against Minnesota with just a win in mind. He never planned on making any records just a win would be fine. At the end of the 1st Melo had only 9 points. After 2 minutes into the 3rd quarter Melo took over the game and went on to match George Gervin record of 33 points in a quarter. Gervin scored 33 points for the San Antonio against New Orleans in the 2nd quarter in 1978. Now 30 years later 24 years old Melo stepped up and equal the record. He ended the night with 45 points a season high as the Nuggets beat the Timberwolves 116-105 taking them to 15-7 on the season. With his teammates urging him to go for the record he did so in fine style making a Franchise record and equaling the NBA record.
"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."
These are the word of Martin Luther King, Jr., a Baptist minister who was a driving force for racial equalities in the 1950's and 1960's. He organized a massive march on Washington DC, on August 28, 1963. His partners in the march include other religious leaders, labor leaders, and black organizers. They marched down the Washington Mall from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial. On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, King evoked the name of Lincoln in his "I Have a Dream" speech, which is credited with mobilizing supporters of desegregation and prompted the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The next year, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
He dreamed the dream and many African Americans and Africans around the world started dreaming that same dream. Some have given up hope that the dream will come true and some still carry that dream. I was born 20 years after Martin Luther King, Jr declared his dream to the world. I became apart of the dream. Even though I was not born into slavery I was born into mental slavery, and I too began to dream.
Rosa Parks was arrested because she refuse to give up her seat on a Montgomery Bus to a white passenger. After she was arrested this is what she said "People always say that I didn't give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn't true. I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of me as being old then. I was forty-two. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in". she was tired of being second best. The Montgomery bus boycott was also the inspiration for the bus boycott in the township of Alexandria, Eastern Cape of South Africa which was one of the key events in the radicalization of the black majority of that country under the leadership of the African National Congress.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr a National Hero of Jamaica, a publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, Black nationalist, orator and founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League was the first man of color to lead and develop a mass movement. He was the first man on a mass scale and level to give millions of Negroes a sense of dignity and destiny. And make the Negro feel he was somebody.
Malcolm X, Booker T Washington, Nelson Mandela, and many more have fueled the dream, a dream that have been dreamed for decades. They have paved the way for us and generations to come. Black people have always been outcasts, not because we are unimportant but because we are strong. We have overcome so many obstacles, so many have died fighting the fight we are still fighting today.
Barack Obama born to a Black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas. He too had the dream and he too sought to make that dream a reality. He wants to make a change. Over the years we have seems the black race overcome and become dominant forces in societies. But never have we seems a black American President. Obama made that change. In his route to change he stated that "Now make no mistake: the change we need won't come easy or without cost. We will all need to tighten our belts, we will all need to sacrifice and we will all need to pull our weight because now more than ever, we are all in this together". He have given back hope to black poeple across the world.
I believe that the change was already here. I have seen black people made their mark in history. Barack Obama made it clear that we have always been the forerunners, he proved that we are more mighter a race than we think we are, more so he proved that dreams do come true. He made the dream a reality, a dream we have far to long been dreaming. A dream that have been the hope of our race.
I love history. I love to read about the past, a time when we were courageuos and brave. A time when we know how to fight for humanity. I have seen so many thing change in my 25 years in this world. I have witness my race rise to the top slowly but surely. The inevitable have come to past and I can say I have witness a major change for the black race. There has to be a first for everything and now a flame of hope burns brighter than ever before.
As Mandela once said "A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination".
The NBA season will kick off in a approximately 7 days 7 hours 19 minutes 24 seconds and counting. This seasons will see the rise and fall of some teams I can tell you. You will see teams that are expected to go into the postseason watch from the sidelines and teams that should be watching from the sidelines in the postseason. The preseason is pretty much giving the rookies a chance to prove they can bring it and give guys a chance to play for their spots on the team......not the superstars. Washington Wizards are not having it easy not with Haywood and Arenas out with injuries. They will be leaning to Caron Butler and Antwan Jamison (who just came back from injury) to keep them up until Agent Zero returns to the line up.
Cleveland starts the preseason with a 1-4 which is not expected of the 2007 Eastern champs but I wouldn't count them out cause King James is yet to show what he can do.
The Preseason featured Denver Nuggets and Phoenix Suns in the first NBA game to be played outdoor for the first time since 1972. Denver won of course. But right now they will have to do without 8 time All-star, MVP Allen Iverson due to injury. There was a rumor that he could be traded. During the summer Denver went through a cost cutting mode and traded Marcus Camby for less to nothing and there are speculation that A.I could be the next big dollar player to go.
New Orleans Hornets starts with a bang 5-0. You Know I think they can go all the way. But that's gonna be tough seeing the West is hard to win. Spurs will be looking to head back to the finals, and Kobe is hoping to lead the West Conference defending champs back to the finals. Also the Suns will be proving they can bring and Utah well I wouldn't count them out. Then there is Dallas and Rockets with the new face Ron Artest.
How could I forget the is the new comer Oklahoma City Thunder. They will try to prove that they roll with the big boys with 13 years veteran Joe Smith and last season rookie sensation Kevin Durant leading the way.
My son loves cars and he like to think of himself as a driver. Everytime he goes into a car he head for the staring wheel.
His energy level is so high I can hardly keep up with him. He is always on the move. He got his first hair cut. When he got to tha barber, the barber told his father to hold him. His dad said what for. My son got in the chair like a big boy and got his hair cut without a sound. His only intention was to see what it is the barber was doing to his head. He and his dad both got their hair cut.
I didn't want to talk about this really. But Antoine's daddy came home from overseas to visit. We went to Montego Bay to take care of some business. He was to take us home and then went back to Montego Bay to pick up someone. On our way to Lucea he was running a little behind time. I told him to slow down which he did. When we reach the location of the new hotel I told him that when he was going back to Montego Bay to drive carefully. He left us at the hairdresser and I was going to send Antoine back with him, cause everytime I take him to the hairdresser with me he turn the place upside down. But then changed my mind. As I sat in the hairdresser's chair he called me and said he is in an accident. I asked if he was okay and he said yes and I asked how bad was it and he said not that serious. So here I was thinking that it was just a minor fender bender. Then I got a call from one of my cousin and she asked me if Marvin was here I told her yes and she said she just passed an accident and heard that the driver was headed to the hospital. I was so shocked that I told the hairdresser to get the cream ot of my head so I can go find out what's happening. When I got there I realize that the accident was more serious than he said. Here I was thinking I could have lost the father of my child and to think if my son was he the car I could have lost him as well. God is good cause he escpaed his death, you should have seen the car. I think it was kind of sign or something cause the accident took place right where I told him to drive carefully on his way back to Montgeo Bay (the hotel). Maybe it was just my bad mouth or a sign. Who knows, but I like to think that everything that's happens in life whether good or bad happens for a reason. So I will wait and see what will follow this incident.
The Houston Rockets acquired rookies Sean Singletary and Patrick Ewing Jr. and sent veteran Bobby Jackson, promising rookie Donte Greene and a future first-round pick to Sacramento Kings in return for 9 years veteran forward Ron Artest. Artest is a very elite defender and will be effective to any team.
Artest have played for teams such as the Chicago Bulls and Indiana Pacers. He is averaging 2.33 steals and 4 blocks per game. He gained his reputations as one of the premier defenders in the game today, winning the NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award in 2004. However, he is one of the most controversial players and known for being one of the central figures in the Indiana Pacers-Detroit Pistons brawl.
If you don't know about the biggest brawl in professional basketball history, you don't know about basketball. Okay you don't know, let me give you a breakdown.
Dubbed The Malice at the Palace and the Basketbrawl was an altercation between the Indiana Pacers and Detroit Pistons on November 19, 2004. It all started when Ben Wallace was fouled hard by Ron Artest with 45.9 seconds remaining in the game. Wallace hit Artest in the throat followed by physical confrontation with several players of either teams. Artest mocked Wallace by going to the scorer's table and pretend to be doing a radio interview and Wallace threw a hand band at him. A spectator threw a cup of beer at Artest and he responded by running into the stand and mistakenly hitting the wrong person who he thought threw the cup at him. Other spectators got involved as well as players Stephen Jackson who also ran into the stands. Another melee developed after Artest was confronted by fans Alvin "A.J." Shackleford and Charlie Haddad, after which Jermaine Oneal intervene by punching Hadden in the jaw. In a result 9 players where suspended and 5 fans charged and John Green, who threw the cup at Artest, received a lifetime ban from attending Pistons games. Among the players who were suspended were Ron Artest (the rest of the season plus 13 playoffs games), Stephen Jackson (30 games), Jermaine Oneal (25 games, which was reduce to 15 after it was appealed), Chanucey Billups (1 game), Reggie Miller (1 game), Ben Wallace (6 games), Anthony Johnson (5 games), Elden Campbell (1 game) and Derrick Coleman (1 game).
You had to see it to believe it. It was the biggest face off in professional sports history in my book. Here I was enjoying a game on a Friday night when Pacers who I was cheering for was leading with less than a minute to go when the foul was committed which was normal in any basketball game which led to the biggest showdown in NBA history. Indiana won 97-82 but I was no longer a fan of the Pistons. Cause I thought Ben Wallace started it all. I mean he has been fouled hard before but this time he made the losing got to him and it ended in catastrophe. In my opinion Reggie Miller did not deserved to be suspended cause all he did was try to control Ron Artest and Rasheed Wallace who was beyond Pacers time line chattering and cussing should have gotten a suspension and he too went into the stands.
Yesterday Usain Bolt clocked 9.77 to beat Asafa Powell who clocked 9.83 at the season ending Golden League meet in Brussels. Bolt recovered from a slow start to capture the win. Nester Carter finished third in 10.07 second followed by Micheal Frater in 10.08 seconds. Is Bolt faster than Powell? At this point in time the answer will be yes.
Asafa plans was to be a mechanic but decided to take up athletics after his older brother Donovan made it to the 100m semi-finals in the 1999 World Championships.
Bolt on the other hands was a high school sensation and was given special attention from former Prime Minister PJ Patterson to move to Kingston where he could train with Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association.
When Powell was burning up the track everyone was on his side, everyone cheered him on even when he failed us at some point. But since Usain became the Olympic sprint king we all forgot all about what Asafa Powell did and all that he offered to the sports and to the country. Yes Bolt is now dominating the track and I am so proud of him. But that don't mean I should neglect Asafa. He is still the second fastest man.
I was in the bank on yesterday and the atmosphere was like the Olympics all over again. Some men where discriminating Asafa and one woman jumped up and started accusing them of being wagonists. She stated that no one was chanting Bolt until the Olympics and that they were being unfair to Asafa. And you know what I agree with her 100%. I love them both they are Jamaicans and what they do reflects on us as a Nation. Comparing Asafa Powell and Usain Bolt is like comparing Muhammed Ali to Joe Frazer, Michael Jordon to Kobe Bryant or Tupac to Notorious Big. They are great in their own unique and talented ways.
First it was Elton Brand, now Philadelphia 76ers is adding 17 years veteran Donyell Marshall to their rooster. Marshall played for 7 different teams in the NBA now with the 76ers being the 8th. He was drafted by the Timberwolves in 1994 out of the University of Connecticut, when he was traded mid-season to the Warriors where he did 5 seasons, from there he just bounced around the League. He did 2 seasons with the Jazz, Bulls and Raptors, then 3 seasons with Cleveland and last season with the SuperSonics. Now he will be in Philly where he will again prove his value in the League. His outside shooting has always been phenomenal. His ability to stretch the defense has proven effective. Marshall who is a native of Reading Pennyslvania will have no worries settling in Philly.
The 76ers will prove effective with Marshall occupying the perimeter, Elton Brand ability to post up, Andre Miller with his passing skills, Samuel Dalembert presence to clean up around the basket and Andre Iguodala doing what he does best they will be Playoffs contenders.
Well, Gustav dubbed Tropical Storm decided that we got too much gold in the Olympic and thought he should show us a sign. It wasn't has bad as Dean or Ivan but it did do some damage. Some people lost there homes and roads were destroyed. But knowing us we will bounce back we always do cuz we are Jamaicans. At least we were prepared. When Ivan hit phone service was down for about a week and some areas did not get light for about 2-3 weeks. With Dean we lost phone service for 1 day and light was restored in about a week. Now during Gustav we had phone service throughout the whole ordeal and some areas got light the day after. After what happened to us during Gilbert 1988 we have learned a valuable lesson and we have learned from our mistakes. I watch most of Gustav through my window with my son and boy was he excited. When Dean hit us he was 7 months old so he did not see much. Now he is 1 year and 7 months old and he was like "mommy look" everytime a tree bend with the wind. We could see the sea from where we were and each time the waves rushed ashore he would jump back and scream "mommy" as if the waves were about to hit him. It was fun in it's own way.
We are in it to win it. Veronica Campbell-Brown defended her title in the 200m sprint and Kerron Stewart 100m Silver Medalist took the Bronze. It is a glorious glorious time in Jamaica's history. I am proud to be a Jamaican and we have been the best and now we prove it that we are still the best. Our time has come to show non-believers that we are and still will be the best of the best.
4x100m both men and women drop the batton for America, but you know what they say someone has to fall for another to rise. Over the years we have booted by the Americans and for too long we have been in their shadows. Now it's the other way around, now they know what it is like to be on the back burner. I guess we had them so worried. In Athens 2004 the ladies fail to pass the batton and now they drop it not once but twice....oops butter fingers. Soup, soup, pressure, pressure.
By di way the whola wi need fi back offa Asafa. It's not easy loosing 2 brothers in 1 year and then having your father shot. No it's not easy at all. So lef di man and mek im prosper.
Sherone she had a bad lane, but ran with all her might. I am still proud of her and don't forget she already gave us a silver.........unno too licky licky.
Maurice Wignall and Richard Phillips did their best and only your best is good enough. Disappointed....yes, but I am still proud.
We have been waiting for this for years and now it's finally here. Jamaica's only problem is crime. We have some of the most talented, loving people in the world. Have you ever notice that no flag have our colour or our design, every flag has the colour red, blue or white and strips but none shape like ours and none have the colour black, green and gold. We are the best and the sooner we recognize it the better.
I am speechless we have done it again. 2 golds in 1 day that is remarkable. Usain Bolt has done it again..."who sey lighting no strike di same place twice". Mi a demand a National holiday this deserves a National celebration. World here we come and dem ago tired fi si wi face. We are here and we are here to stay. 200m sprint gold and world record and 400m hurdles gold and olympic record. It's been a long time in the making and now it's made. Made in Jamaica, made by Jamaicans and made for Jamaicans.
Wow, wow and wow......what else can I say. This weekend was one of the best in Jamaica's history. Usain Bolt ran the race of his life and made his country proud and he did it in fine style by breaking his World Record and Olympics Record....how cool is that. By doing so he became the first Jamaican 100m sprinter to win Gold and he will be looking to become the first man since 1984 to win the Olympic sprint double.
Shelly-Ann Fraser, Sherone Simpson and Kerron Stewart again made history with a rare sweep to become first athletes to win gold-silver-silver of the 100m. wow, wow, and wow again.
We had this in us all along and now we have shown the world what we are made of. Something that started decades ago by Donald Quarrie, Herb Mckinley, Merlene Ottey, Juliet Cuthbert, and many more. In an event (100m) that was dominated by the Americans where we were force to settle for second best, we are now proving that we own it and will for a long time to come. The Americans are protesting that Tori Edwards false started, but the truth of the matters is that they are ashame. We put them to shame in the 4x100m relay in Athens in 2004 and we did it again in style and made history.
Ever since that anti-doping clamp down on the athletes America is losing dominance in the sprint event....I don't know if ya'll notice but I did. Remember when we just couldn't get gold and we had to sit the pain of hearing the American National Anthem over and over again, that was.....I won't even say the word, but you get the picture. Now since all this drugs testing a whole lot of athletes who were winners are now been seen as losers. And Americans sprinters top the list, now that they can't dope up they are losing to who.....the country who had to settle for second best. So you see it's not that we couldn't do it, it's just that the winners had an extra boost. Maybe if they were testing back then as much they are doing now.....maybe we would have seen a gold-silver-bronze from Merlene Ottey, Juliet Cuthbert and Grace Jackson.
I am disappointed in Asafa Powell, who wouldn't be. Physically he is ready, but mentally his is not. What else is there to say he said so himself after the race. But despite it all he is Jamaican and I am proud of him. He helped put us back on the map although we would love to see a gold medal from him, at the end of the day he is Jamaican.
It's times like these that make me proud to be a Jamaican. I am always a proud Jamaican, don't get me wrong. But it's performances like these show the world that we are more than crime and violence. Jamaica is blessed land and if we will all wise up and see that we will be a better Nation. Our athletes have made us proud and gave us something to brag about and we will be bragging for a long time. Jamaica Land We Love!!!
Asafa Powell was tested four times and he thinks that they are overdoing it. Well he is not the one I mean tested four times.....that is ridiculous. How do they expect him to perform after they finish with him....maybe they don't expect him to perform at all. They have been questioning our superb performances for quite a while now. They tried it with Merlene Ottey and now they are targeting our Asafa and Usian. When Usian first hit the World Record on Jamaican soil the US Micheal Johnson stated that we don't have the technology to determine accuracy and that he don't trust that Usian is that fast. Well, Usian proved him wrong and where better to do so than on American soil. Jamaica has produced many athletic champions over the years and none as been dubbed steroid user. Well maybe if you include Ben Johnson.....he ran for Canada and he was their pride and joy until the mention of steroids and they disowned him. I just hope Asafa holds his ground cuz I am looking for Gold and Silver in the 100m. I don't care who win Gold cuz whether it be Usian or Asafa I will be celebrating either way.
Who will win Rookie of the year? My bet is on Michael Beasley of the Miami Heats who has a big upside for the Heats. Other guys like Derrick Rose or O.J Mayo could give him a run for it.
Will the Celtics repeat? Well for one they are looking to add more depth to their bench and is said to be in talks with Corey Maggette.
How will the Knicks fix their problem? After last year's disaster they decided that it was time for a change, starting by getting rid of Isiah Thomas and replacing him with Mike D'Antoni (who I might add had great success with the Suns). They also sign Chris Duhon which I think will signify the end of Stephon Marbury. Their next move is to let Jerome James, Eddy Curry and Zach Randolph go.
Will Kobe demand another trade? Last summer Kobe got sick of being a one man show and demanded to be traded. Well nothing came of it but instead of being a cry baby he showed why he is one the best by copping the MVP. I think he will remain with the Lakers next season.
Preparation for 2010? In anticipation for 2010 many Teams are already working diligently to get under the salary cap. By then Lebron James will be an unrestricted free agent and the Cavaliers will be working to avoid that. According to rumors LeBron will not resigned with Cleveland. LeBron has a desire to play in the big city, the Mecca of basketball so New York could be his first choice or he will choose the Nets due to his close friendship with Nets shareholder Hip Hop sensation Jay-Z.
My joined the police force and I wish him all the best even though I am in fear for him. It's what he wants and he will have the support of his family as long as he is not doing anything wrong. He is my only brother and the only son for both mother and father. We are the same mother and father as well as my older sister. Our mother died 10 years ago and we have been like his second mother. I know she would have been proud of him, cause we are.
He is a proud father's dream. He did a song "I want to be like you" in which he was referring to his father Master P. He is attending USC (University of Southern California) where he plays basketball. His dad wanted to play in the NBA but did not accomplished that......I guess he will be fulfilling that for his dad. He (Master P) did however had contracts with Charlotte Hornets (currently New Orleans Hornets) 1998/1999 season and Toronto Raptors 1999 pre-season. He also played in Continental Basketball Association (CBC). Master P is an Entertainer and Entrepreneur and he is also the founder and CEO of P. Miller Enterprises . Okay, back to Lil' Romeo ......he not only play basketball like his dad , but he is also an Entertainer and CEO of P. Miller Clothing Line. He is the nephew of C-Murder and Silk the Shocker and his clothes line made over US$50m in the first year he has 5 Albums , been in 10 movies, star in the sitcom Romeo and he is only 18 (19 next month). He also beat Micheal Jackson to become the youngest person to record a #1. Yeah, sure being the son of Master P helps but is he talented or what. I think he will be heading to the NBA no doubt . He played basketball for Beverly Hills High School where he was a 4 yrs starter and during the 2006-2007 high school season he averaged 13.9 points and 5.6 assists per game. I have never seen him play but I guess he must be pretty good to have been invited to the ABCD Camp. For those of you who don't know what the ABCD Camp is, it is an invitational only camp to showcase basketball based in New Jersey. Players like Kobe Byrant, Lebron James, Tracy McGrady and Carmelo Anthony have been previous attendees. I will just to see how far he will go in basketball, if he will surpass his father.
Can they get better? I don't know. One of the league's hottest team in the early years and 1 of 2 teams still in their original cities (Boston being the Second). They made it to the Finals 3 times in the 1950's, won the Title 2 times in the 70's and try for the Title 2 times in the 90's, now they are lucky if they get to the Playoffs......what a shame. Last season they were 23-59 well that was better than Miami who was the 2006 Champion (15-67).
Now that they have Elton Brand will that be enough to revive one of the oldest teams in the NBA. I don't think so, but I will be watching to see what happens......no doubt.
1998 we made it to the World Cup for the first time in history, wow. I never knew much about football(soccer) at the time, I didn't even knew we had a football team....how sick is that. With fresh talent and the help of Reno Simoes we made it. The Boyz did not go all the way but I was so proud of them, you know they took us to a place we have never been and all Jamaica was with them. But the JFF did not see it that way they fired Simoes. Well, disaster shook in 2002, the Boyz were playing for international clubs and making money and the chemistry and eagerness to win was not there and we didn't even come close. Same saga in 2006.
Rene Simoes is back for 2010 and he did what he did for 1998 get some fresh meat. I hope they can fine the chemistry and bring us back to the World Cup.
Toronto Raptors get some fire power with Jermaine O'neal. He was the back bone for Indiana Pacers after Reggie Miller, he lead them in most blocked shots in a game 10 vs the Raptors, most blocked shots in a season 228 (2000 -01), most rebounds a game, playoffs 22, Highest rebounding average, playoff series 17.5 and most free throws attempted, game 25. He is 6 times All-star and Most Improved Player in 2002. He is also the only player to score a triple-double including block shot, he had 18 points, 11 rebounds and 10 blocked shots vs the Raptors (he was the second Pacers player to do so and the first in the NBA). He is a very talented and under-rated player. Sure he is no Shaquille O'neal or Tim Duncan, but very valuable to any team. He can score at will, beat off the dribble, pass, and he is an excellent post up player. Combine his agility to that of Chris Bosh Toronto will be a force to reckon with in the low post area. If he and Chris Bosh stay healthy then Toronto stand a chance in the playoffs. Now, I am not talking about winning the Championship (anything is possible), but they will have Boston, Cleveland, Detroit, etc to reckon with. And i have a feeling that Miami will be back next season with D. Wade healthy and all. I guess we will have to wait and see. I should have him in my hot boyz list, but oh well he is hot.
I was asking where he was, but if I was keeping up to date I would know he had a album out Hate It or Love it, which I think is pretty good. I listened to a few of the songs and they are not bad. Damn this boy is hot........I am not crazy I am just saying as it is.......he is hoooooooooot. Oh here's another cutie........wow. I can't wait to see Tyrese in Transformer 2.......I know that's not until next year but I can't wait.
From Left to Right:Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, Chris Paul and LeBron James. Here are some other Hot Boyz. I couldn't mention Hot Boyz and not mention some of the NBA's finest and not only in looks I might add. You know the definition of a perfect male is 'tall, dark and handsome' and these boyz got it like that.
Let's talk movie......so many movies have been released since the start of the year and to be honest some of these movies are unwatchable...you know what I mean. I haven't the time or money to go to the Theatre to watch some of these sorry excuse for a movie. I am very peculiar when it comes to movies and I rather wait till it hits cable or whatever before I waste my money to watch some stupid overrated movie. But I have to say some of the releases for this year appealed to my movie senses. Wanted and Hancock I would say got the better of me, mainly because I am a Angelina Jolie and Will Smith fan. But the one that really got me going is Batman: The Dark Knight....boy is this movie a hit or what. I am a Batman fan and a sucker for superhero movies. I am going to see this one when it comes out......I know I said it's a waste of money, but this one I am willing to waste my money on. Christian Bale...I can hardly wait, besides it's Heath Ledger's last movie and I will not get to attend the funeral so I might I will pay my respect by going to the movies. There is another reason why I would like to see this movie but if I tell you I might have to kill you, lol. Anyways, I am going to see this movie if it's the last thing I do and seeing it in 'boothleg' is not my idea of a good movie no matter how action pack it is. So see you at the movies....oh and you will be buying the popcorns, lol.
So cute, but where is he? You ever wonder where some of our favourite musicians are? I have. They're hot this minute and then poof they're gone. I am a big Chingy fan and he like drop off the face of the planet. Where the hell is he, man.....he might be back, but what is he doing now.....that's what I would like to know. Look at this picture the boy is cuuuuuute..........and the voice OMG!!!!
Family - a group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption.
The Atlan Family is normal, dysfunctional, and happy family. We are energetic, jovial and loving, and we all have our own unique and different ways. And, like any other typical family we argue and disagree all the time. That's what makes us a happy family. For 2 weeks we had 1 of our family reunions, it was a get together for my Grandaunt Elfeda Atlan was became 105 in April of this year. We also attend my brother's graduation from the Police Academy. All 6 of my father's sisters were here and that was hell. They are the most amazing Aunt's anyone could ask for. But they can be confusing, they all have different opinions and ways of doing things. One will tell you do this and another will say do it another way and it is annoying and confusing when you have 6 persons telling you to do the same task 6 different ways....you get the picture. But we never get bored hearing them disagree, I think that's what keeps them so close and that in turn keeps the whole family close. We have all hear the term 'the family that prays together stay together' well my family is so close that we do everything together even getting sick together.
This my month my birthday is due soon and I will be half way to 50.....you figure out the rest. The NBA season has ended and Olympic is right around the corner......yahhooo. Will Jamaica win the gold in the 100m, well my intuition tells me yes. Will America live down the shame of 2004 Olympic on the basketball court, hell yeah, Kobe, D.Wade, LeBron, Carmelo, Amare Stoudamire what is going to stop them....nothing. I can't wait to see Afassa Powell and Lighting Bolt mash up di place. Too bad we won't have a repeat from Veronica Campbell, but the ladies who will be representing looks like they can bring it so we will have to wait and see.
23 long years of waiting. I was 2 yrs and 11 months old at the time what did I know then nothing, nada. But check Rajon Rondo was only 3 months old and here he is helping Boston to it's 17th win. They deserves to celebrate, they played great basketball and they executed will. Kevin Garnett can rest better now that he have the most priceless hardware an NBA player can hope to possess and so do Paul Pierce and Ray Allen. Hey and Rajon Rondo how cool is that your first year in the NBA and you won a Champion....and not only was he on the team he helped them win. He must be ecstatic cuz I know I would. I am not a Celtics fan and that no secret but I am willing to give respect where it is due. Besides they were expected to win from the start of the season it would have been very disappointing if they did not. Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen have been Champions their whole career, now they have the hardware to prove it. Way to guys congratulations.
Now as for the Lakers they gave up without even fighting back....that's a shame. I think they fought for Game 5 cuz they did not want Boston to win in their home court and I think Boston wouldn't have it any other way. Why they lost? I don't know I thought they were playing great until somewhere along the line open shots where not going down and they did not execute down the stretch. Oh well, you win some and then you lose some. Do I think Lakers less of a ball club...no. They had a great season it's just wasn't their time that's all. Do I think less of Kobe.....hell to the no. Check this out. He is League's MVP, 10 times All-Star, 2 times All-Star MVP, 3 times All NBA First Team, 2 times All Defensive First Team, 3 times NBA Champion now how many players have accomplished this a lot and then again not a lot. Did we think less of Allen Iverson when he lossed in 2001, or did we think less of Tracy McGrady even though he fails to lead his team pass the first round, oh did we think less of Jason Kidd when his team got swept 2 years in a row at the Finals, no. Then maybe we thought less of Dirk Nowitzki when his made Miami came back from 2-0 to win the Championship, oh so you still love these guys and still they are considered to be some of the best and greatest that the League has produced. What I am getting at is that Kobe is still one of the greatest Basketball players of all times. So he lost, well best team for this season won and it's not like they weren't expected to win or that they were underdogs...they were suited for the win form the get go. But will they be back next season, now that's the million dollar question. Not many teams can be hot one year and come hot the next. Yeah Boston did 8 years in a row that was then this now, they don't have good old Red and the guys who played back then. Sure they have Keven Garnett, Paul Peirce and Ray Allen and yeah Rajon Rondo, but do they have what it takes to be back next year. That we will definitely have to wait to see. Until next season. To Be Continued.............
That's a tough question. Cuz they will be going to Boston and the fans there can be very boisterous. Yeah they can so Lakers will be needing a cool head and team work. They made a big come back in Game 5, but can they do the same in Game 6. Mmmm.....do you think they can...what was that Game 7 too. Oh no not yet we have to worry about Game 6 first....slow your roll one game at a time. It's not over until Game 6 over and we will just have to wait until then to see the outcome. Lakers are looking to make history...the first team to come from 3-1 to win. Do they have the talent, experience, confidence and endurance to win? Well as I said before we will just have to wait.....tick,tock. It is going to take a hugh effort to win, everyone will have to step up...no 2, 3 guys doing it big, everybody especially the bench. Team Work that's what it is going to take.
Stop comparing Kobe to MJ…why? Why stop now, just because he fail to produce the win in Game 4? MJ had Dennis Rodman, Scottie Pippens, Luc Longley, Steve Kerr, Ron Harper and Toni Kukoc when he was winning his Championships. In Kobe’s previous titles he had Shaquille O’neal, Rick Fox, Derek Fisher, Robert Horry, Brian Shaw and Ron Harper (anything familiar about the list of names). Who does he have now who could be classed as experience and veteran only Derek Fisher. Boston on the other hand have Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and Sam Cassell. I am not looking for an excuse as to why they lost Game 4 cause there is none. But the NBA has been based on history. When you watch the games the commentators compare players and talk about the history of the teams. So because L.A did not win game 4 Kobe should stop be compared to the Legendary MJ. If that’s the case then KG should not be compared to Bill Russell, Chris Paul should not be compared to Magic Johnson or Isiah Thomas, and neither should Lebron or Wade be compared to MJ. You know why they have not accomplish what Kobe has accomplished. Okay take a look at history….Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Reggie Miller, Karl Malone just to name a few. These players are Hall of Famers and will go down as some of the great players to ever play the game of basketball. Yet still they fell short every single time, they have never won a Championship but still they are the best. Young players are being compared to them and want to be like them. So why should Kobe stop being compared to MJ, I don’t see why.
Kobe did not asked to be compared to MJ, he state he wants to be the best. Every player in the NBA wants to be the best, they wants to be the go to guys. But not every players accomplish that. We are the ones who said Kobe is like Mike. We did not hear him say he wants to be like Mike. So leave the guy alone. Most players can only wish they could play as good as Kobe. Hey...no matter what we say there are kids out there who wants to be Kobe and who wants to be better than Kobe. His career is not over because he lost Game 4 in the 2008 Finals, he can win ring #4 another season. Kevin Garnett is yet to win a ring. You know what's ironic we all say Kobe had to have Shaq to win. But guess what Kevin Garnett have been trying to win and if he did not team with Pierce and Allen he would still be in Minnesota watching Kobe trying to gain his 4th ring. One player don't make a team if that was the case Charles Barkley, Reggie Miller, Patrick Ewing and Karl Malone would all have several rings. More so guys in the league today would also have rings...guys like Steve Nash, Allen Iverson, Jason Kidd, even Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce. This is just my opinion from a realistic point of view.
On the other hand, I was disappointed cause I was cheering for the Lakers to win....who wouldn't be. But it's all apart of the game some have to lose in order for some to win. Hey I bet if Lakers had won and went on to win the Championship we would then be asking the same questions of the Boston Celtics. LOL , it's the way of life...funny ain't it, yeah I know we have to disagree to agree. Remember how we (yes we cause I have said it) use to say that Kobe was selfish, yeah...you remember don't you. Well he changed all that starting with his Jersey #, and he is the League's MVP. The current Kobe passes the ball and look to make his teammates better., while the previous Kobe would look for his shot everytime the ball touches his hands. The result of the new and improve Kobe is that his is less aggressive, more into passing, and he is not trying to be the player who touches the ball last on his team. That my friends I think slows him down. You know what I would love to see #8 in game 5. Kobe has accomplished so much when he was selfish. So what he did not stand a chance for the League's MVP then, a lot guys didn't and they are Hall of Famers.
It's been a long time since my last post. I was too busy I guess. Where is my manners, hey everyone. How are you? Fine....me too. So what's up, nothing out of the ordinary. I don't even know what to write about....ha-ha. Let's see oh yes let me give an update on my source of happiness, my world and my everything. Stop it! Your mind is too smotty I was talking about my son what was in your mind....nasty. Anyways, he is getting big and I can hardly manage him, he is like a source for energy. I think that if the current is off I can use him for a generator if you get the picture. Too bad I don't have such energy cause he is driving me crazy. But on the real he is keeping me on my toes at all times. One day I was inside and all of a sudden the house was quiet and I was like okay where did all the noise go. So I called Antoine and he did not answer so I went to look for him. I had locked the grill and the kitchen door to keep him from going outside. However I forgot to lock the bathroom door seeing that he hardly go in there anyways. Apparently I wrong, he wanted to go outside so bad that he found a way out by all means. I got so afraid cause I didn't know where he was. Then I heard my grandmother said "see him here". He was outside heading to the gate when I went after him he started to run 'an yu wan see him likkle foot dem'. I was mad but the way he ran I had to laugh. Sometimes he does stuff that gets me upset and I can't get angry cause he knows how to get on my good side. And to think he is only 1 year old. He is so smart sometimes I am in awe at how he reacts to things. One day I was pretending to cry he was so upset he tried to dry my eyes with his shirt and when I didn't stop he placed his hands on my cheek and looked in my eye and said "mama" and some other baby talk and was about to start crying, so I had to stop. Sometimes I wonder how did I get a son so smart for his tender age, and I love him so much. If you knew him you would too. That's it for now and by the way his Dad and I are back together...well sort of....no I am not going to tell you about it. Not now anyways that's another story for another time. Sometimes unno too fast and nosy......hahaha....later.
What a day everyone in red and white....wow! The day of love they call it. Well to some this is just any other day. Here I am at work like any other work day, ready to take on the stress and excitement that comes with it. But unlike everyone one else I am not daydreaming about tonight. Most people are dreaming about the romantic dinner, party, a night on the town or maybe just a quite night at home with their significant other. Me on the other hand is thinking about son, budget and other unimportant things not related to this day.
Truth of the matter is that I have no one to share a romantic dinner, or party with. Sad...you say. Well maybe it is sad but on the bright side I love being single. No one to nag me about where I'm going, where I've been, and so on. Oh what the heck....the truth is as much as I like being alone sometimes it gets a little boring. I love the whole romantic gestures and all that comes with it and sometimes I miss all that and I do get lonely. But what a girls to do but suck it up and go, being without a man is not the end of the world. So I am using this time alone to work on me cause you can't love someone unless you love yourself...ain't that right.
I don't pray and ask God for a man. I pray for peace, health and happiness. And when God see it fix to give me a man he will give me a good one. I rather be alone than be unhappy. I love to laugh and if a man can't make me happy then what's the use. What is love without joy? Maybe today Cupid will let his arrow works magic for me, maybe he won't, but at the end of the day I am still me.
What is love? To me love is when you can forgive someone when they did you wrong and not hold a grudge. Love brings peace and happiness.
Love is pure, Love is sure, Love is a sickness no doctor can cure.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet but not as you.
The New Year is here and it feels like the middle of the year alright. God, this is bad. Well so far my year is not good...work wise. It's getting to me as is this whole system that we live in. But...I will continue to live each day as it is the last.
The good thing since the start of the year is that my son turn 1 yrs old on the 9th. I had to work so I keep a party on Sunday...well not really a party just some fun stuff for him. (It is said if you keep a party for your child's first birthday you have to continue to keep it until they are 16 yrs old or else they will have bad luck) That's just superstition, but I aight keeping it, lol. I don't care go ahead call me superstitious.....lol.
The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm or hidden from the sun. It is the one that stands in the open. Where it is compelled to struggle for it's existence against the winds and rain and the scorching sun.
Square your shoulders to the world be not the kind to quit. It's not the load that weighs you down, it's the way you carry it.
I am a jovial and interesting young lady who believes that nothing in life is a coincidence. I love to read, write, sing and watch the NBA. I am a lover of sports, and anything fun and adventurous. I am a straight forward down to earth tell it like it is person. My son is my world and the most important part of my life.